

Our corporate policy and our quality policy applies for every employee of the company Brock Alloy Wheels Deutschland GmbH. The management itself and every executive is obligated to be a promoter of this policy by setting an example for the rest of the company. We proactively comply with national and international law and regulations as a matter of course. The management rates the effectiveness of the management systems with regular monitoring and arranges changes if necessary. We conduct a frank and trustful dialogue with employees, authorities, customers and suppliers as well as the interested public.

100% Made in Europe


The standard for the quality and confidentiality of our products and services is set by our customers. We prove the trust in our company with responsible service. The terms customer and supplier, in our understanding, explicitly include not only external but also internal process customers and suppliers.


Safety and health of our employees are goods worthy of protection. Occupational safety and health protection represent primary business goals which result in important management tasks. Motivated, entrepreneurial and professional working employees represent the foundation for our success. Engagement and courage will be rewarded. Convenient information and regular trainings, as well as personal and technical development in regard to our business goals are promoted. With that we are able to increase the awareness of safety of our employees in their daily professional activities.

Brock Alloy Wheels Hauptsitz
  • MADE IN EUROPE 100% 100%


Innovation is one of the most important driving forces and the basis for our future success. Innovation not only refers to product innovation but rather all company-relevant areas. Innovation relates to the flexibility of our company concerning variable market and working conditions. The permanent contact to our customers and the adjustment of the company strategy due to the market requirements is an important component of our business success.


Our innovation not only refers to our products and services, but it is also the will of the management to improve our own processes within and across administrative areas. With lean processes which focus on the customers benefits, we ensure to meet the customers requirements and improve the efficiency of our company. Mutual trust as well as taking responsibility to meet the agreed targets build the basis for this.

Buttons 1
Auto Indentifikation


Each employee guarantees the quality of their work in their own processes, thus ensuring the maintenance or achievement of the high quality standard of our products and services. Foresight takes precedence over post-processing and is ensure through the use of effective methods and procedures. Errors in products or processes are openly communicated, analyzed and, as a result, effectively remedied.


Information security is the protection of information from all types of threats. In addition to that, information security is another increasingly important factor for the provision of services in a competitive digital marketplace. Consequentially information security is one of the key success factors of the company and is lived as a continuous business process.

  • Efficient technologies 100% 100%


Protecting the environment and constantly improvin energy efficiency are important business goals for our company. A suitable management system ensures that the tasks are implemented in all operational functions and levels. An important management task is to increase energy efficiency, thereby reducing environmental pollution. Procurement and the design of new equipment are also geared to this, as we already consider the environmental compatibility, the economical use of resources and the avoidance / reduction of waste / emissions when designing new products and processes. Through appropriate control measures, we ensure compliance with all legal requirements and make continuous improvements.


We commit ourselves to a responsible energy management. Wherever it is cost efficient, we apply energy efficiency at our sites in facilities and equipment. We manage our energy use to improve efficiency, productivity and working conditions, protect the environment and extend the availability of fossil fuels for useful purposes. In this context, we implement continuous improvements in energy management.

Buttons 4


We are an innovative company in the field of products and services for alloy wheels. We have a clear strategy and lead our company along with the goals derived from it, and thus also our employees to success. The necessary data and information for the evaluation of our actions are combined in a coordinated system of key figures, on the basis of which we regularly reflect and assess the actual situation.

Weilerswist, January 2019
Claudia Brock, Management

  • Innovative production cycles 100% 100%
  • Highly developed qualities 100% 100%
  • Groundbreaking design diversity 100% 100%